Source code for slipsurface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for defining the classes related to the slip surface, either a circular
or a composite geometry (*e.g.* a tortuous failure surface)

[docs]class CircularSurface: '''Creates an instance of an object that defines the structure of an polyline which represents the slip surface of a landslide which geometry is a circumference-arc. :: CircularSurface(slopeCoords, dist1, dist2, radius, concave=True) The arc is defined with two points on the terrain surface and the radius. That implies there are two possible solutions; to select which one is wanted, it is necessary to modify the variable ``concave``. It is possible the arc cuts across the terrain surface in some point different to its ends, perhaps because of some swedge in the terrrain or the radius is too long. In that case, the method ``defineStructre`` changes the attribute ``dist2`` such that it is replaced by the horizontal distance of the intersection point. Attributes: slopeCoords ((2, n `numpy.ndarray`): Coordinates of the vertices of the polygon within which the slope mass is defined. It is obtained with the method ``defineboundary`` either from the classes ``AnthropicSlope`` or ``NaturalSlope`` (module ``slope``). dist1 (`int` or `float`): First horizontal distance from the leftmost point of the terrain surface (including the crown) where the arc is intersected with it. dist2 (`int` or `float`): Second horizontal distance from the leftmost point of the terrain surface (including the crown) where the arc is intersected with it. radius (`int` or `float`): Length of the circumference-arc radius. concave (`bool`): Logical variable to define if it is wanted that the circumference-arc will be concave (upwards), otherwise, it will be convexe (downwards). Default value is ``True``. Note: The class ``CircularSurface`` requires `numpy <>`_, `matplotlib <>`_ and `shapely <>`_. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=9) >>> surface.__dict__.keys() dict_keys(['slopeCoords', 'dist1', 'dist2', 'radius', 'concave', 'point1', 'point2', 'center', 'initAngle', 'endAngle', 'coords']) ''' def __init__(self, slopeCoords, dist1, dist2, radius, concave=True): ''' CircularSurface(slopeCoords, dist1, dist2, radius, concave=True) ''' self.slopeCoords = slopeCoords self.dist1 = min(dist1, dist2) self.dist2 = max(dist1, dist2) if self.dist2 > max(slopeCoords[0]): self.dist2 = max(slopeCoords[0]) self.radius = radius self.concave = concave # Definde structure of the arc self.defineStructre()
[docs] def defineStructre(self): '''Method to define the structure of the circumference-arc which represents the slip surface of a landslide. If the arc cuts across the terrain surface in some point different to its ends, the attribute ``dist2`` is modified to the horizontal distance of the intersection point. The returned angles have values betwen :math: `\\left[\\pi, -\\pi \\right)`, where the angle equal to zero coincides with the vector :math: `\\left(1, 0) \\right)`. Returns: (`dict`): dictionary with the following outputs. - **center** (`tuple`): Coordinates of the circumference-arc\ center - **endAngle** (`float`): Angle in radians of the vector\ that points from the center to the first intersection\ between the terrain surface and the circumference-arc. - **initAngle** (`float`): Angle in radians of the vector\ that points from the center to the first intersection\ between the terrain surface and the circumference-arc. - **point1** (`tuple`): Coordinates of the first point that\ intersects the terrain surface - **point2** (`tuple`): Coordinates of the second point that\ intersects the terrain surface Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=9) >>> surface.defineStructre() {'center': (10.881322862689261, 10.831744386868543), 'endAngle': -1.668878272858519, 'initAngle': -2.979016942655663, 'point1': array([2. , 9.375]), 'point2': array([10. , 1.875])} >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=1) >>> surface.defineStructre() ValueError: separation of points > diameter >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=6) >>> surface.defineStructre() ValueError: Radius too short. Increase at least 1.516 ''' import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import LineString # Getting the arc coordinates on the terrain surface if self.slopeCoords[0, 1] > self.slopeCoords[0, -2]: self.slopeCoords = np.fliplr(self.slopeCoords) terrainSurfLS = LineString(self.slopeCoords[:, 1:-2].T) yMin, yMax = self.slopeCoords[1].min()/2, self.slopeCoords[1].max()*2 for name, dist in [('point1', self.dist1), ('point2', self.dist2)]: vertLine = LineString([(dist, yMin), (dist, yMax)]) intersection = terrainSurfLS.intersection(vertLine) setattr(self, name, np.array([intersection.x, intersection.y])) # delta x, delta y between points dx, dy = self.point2 - self.point1 # dist between points pointSep = np.linalg.norm(self.point2 - self.point1) # Minimum radius minRadius = round(0.5 * pointSep**2 / abs(dx), 3) # Verification of minimum distance between both points if pointSep > 2*self.radius: raise ValueError('separation of points > diameter') # Verification of minimum radius elif minRadius > self.radius: raise ValueError('Radius too short. Increase at least {}'.format( round(minRadius - self.radius, 3))) # halfway point xHalfPoint = (self.point1[0] + self.point2[0])/2 yHalfPoint = (self.point1[1] + self.point2[1])/2 # distance along the mirror line d = np.sqrt(self.radius**2 - (0.5*pointSep)**2) # Verification of the minimum radius if self.concave: center = (xHalfPoint - d*dy/pointSep, yHalfPoint + d*dx/pointSep) else: center = (xHalfPoint + d*dy/pointSep, yHalfPoint - d*dx/pointSep) setattr(self, 'center', center) # Getting the angles from the center to the extreme points of the arc vectInters1 = self.point1 - center vectInters2 = self.point2 - center angles = np.arctan2([vectInters1[1], vectInters2[1]], [vectInters1[0], vectInters2[0]]) setattr(self, 'initAngle', angles[0]) setattr(self, 'endAngle', angles[1]) # Getting the x and y coordinates of 100 points in the arc anglAux = angles[:] if self.concave: anglAux = np.linspace(self.initAngle % (2*np.pi), self.endAngle % (2*np.pi), 100) xC = [[0] + self.radius*np.cos(theta) for theta in anglAux] yC = [[1] + self.radius*np.sin(theta) for theta in anglAux] setattr(self, 'coords', np.array([xC, yC])) # Verify if the arc intersects the terrain in some point diferent to # the initial extreme points. If true, cut it in the intersection-point lineArc = LineString(self.coords[:, 1:-1].T) intersection = terrainSurfLS.intersection(lineArc) if intersection.geom_type == 'Point': # just one intersection self.dist2 = intersection.x self.defineStructre() elif intersection.geom_type == 'MultiPoint': # more than one self.dist2 = intersection[0].x self.defineStructre() return {'center': center, 'point1': self.point1, 'point2': self.point2, 'initAngle': angles[0], 'endAngle': angles[1]}
[docs] def plot(self): '''Method for generating a graphic of the circumference-arc and the slope. Returns: (`matplotlib.figure.Figure`): object with the matplotlib structure\ of the plot. You might use it to save the figure for example. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=9) >>> fig = surface.plot() .. figure:: :alt: slipsurface_CircularSurface_example1 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import NaturalSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> terrainCoords = array( >>> [[-2.49, 0.1 , 1.7 , 3.89, 5.9 , 8.12, 9.87, 13.29, 20.29, >>> 21.43, 22.28, 23.48, 24.65, 25.17], >>> [18.16, 17.88, 17.28, 15.73, 14.31, 13.58, 13, 3.61, 3.61, >>> 3.32, 2.71, 2.23, 1.21, 0.25]]) >>> slope = NaturalSlope(terrainCoords) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=7, dist2=20, radius=13) >>> fig = surface.plot() .. plot:: .. figure:: :alt: slipsurface_CircularSurface_example2 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. ''' from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Plot body ax.plot(self.slopeCoords[0], self.slopeCoords[1], '-k') ax.plot(self.coords[0], self.coords[1], '-r') ax.plot([0],[1], '.r') # Plot settings ax.grid(True, ls='--', lw=0.5) ax.set_aspect(1) fig.tight_layout() return fig
# %%
[docs]class TortuousSurface: '''Creates an instance of an object that defines the structure of an polyline which represents the slip surface of a landslide which geometry is a tortuous path surrouding the blocks inside the slope mass. :: TortuousSurface(bim, dist1, dist2, heuristic='Manhattan', reverseLeft=False, reverseUp=False, smoothFactor=0, preferredPath=None, prefPathFact=None) The surface is defined with two points on the terrain surface and the heuristic function. It is possible to set a forced path to modify the free trajectory of the tortuous path with the aim of move it closer to, for example a circular surface. Attributes: bim (`BlocksInMatrix` object): object with the structure of the slope made of the Blocks-In-Matrix material. dist1 (`int` or `float`): First horizontal distance from the leftmost point of the terrain surface (including the crown) where the arc is intersected with it. dist2 (`int` or `float`): Second horizontal distance from the leftmost point of the terrain surface (including the crown) where the arc is intersected with it. heuristic (`str`): Name of the geometric model to determine the heuristic distance. It must be selected either ``Manhattan`` or ``Euclidean``; their description can be found in the ``Astar`` class documentation. `Manhattan` is the default value. reverseLeft (`bool`): Logical variable to allow or not reverses movements to the left. Default value is ``False``. reverseUp (`bool`): Logical variable to allow or not reverses movements to upward. Default value is ``False``. smoothFactor (`int`): Value to indicate the B-spline interpolation order of the smooter function. If is equal to zero, which is the default value, the surface will not be smoothed. preferredPath (`numpy.ndarray` or `None`): (2, n) array with the coordinates of a path where the tortuous surface is going to be forced; ``None`` is the default value. prefPathFact (`int` or `float` or `None`): Multiplier of the shortest distance between the current point and the polyline; ``None`` is the default value. Note: The class ``TortuousSurface`` requires `numpy <>`_, `matplotlib <>`_ and `shapely <>`_. Examples: >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import TortuousSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=12, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=10, toeDist=10) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.25, >>> tileSize=0.25, seed=123) >>> surface = TortuousSurface( >>> bim, dist1=0, dist2=17, heuristic='manhattan', >>> reverseLeft=False, reverseUp=False, smoothFactor=0, >>> preferredPath=None, prefPathFact=None) >>> surface.__dict__.keys() dict_keys(['bim', 'dist1', 'dist2', 'heuristic', 'reverseLeft', 'reverseUp', 'smoothFactor', 'preferredPath', 'prefPathFact', 'terrainSurfLS', 'point1', 'end1', 'point2', 'end2', 'startIdx', 'goalIdx', 'coords']) ''' def __init__(self, bim, dist1, dist2, heuristic='manhattan', reverseLeft=False, reverseUp=False, smoothFactor=0, preferredPath=None, prefPathFact=None): ''' TortuousSurface(bim, dist1, dist2, heuristic='Manhattan', reverseLeft=False, reverseUp=False, smoothFactor=0, preferredPath=None, prefPathFact=None) ''' self.bim = bim self.dist1 = min(dist1, dist2) self.dist2 = max(dist1, dist2) if self.dist2 > max(bim.slopeCoords[0]): self.dist2 = max(bim.slopeCoords[0]) self.heuristic = heuristic self.reverseLeft = reverseLeft self.reverseUp = reverseUp self.smoothFactor = smoothFactor self.preferredPath = preferredPath if preferredPath is not None and prefPathFact is None: prefPathFact = 1 self.prefPathFact = prefPathFact # Obtain the indexes at the ends of the slip surface self.getIndexesAtEnds() # Moving the indexes of the ends when are blocks if self.bim.grid[self.startIdx] == 1: self.dist1 += self.bim.tileSize self.getIndexesAtEnds() if self.bim.grid[self.goalIdx] == 1: self.dist2 = self.dist2 - self.bim.tileSize self.getIndexesAtEnds() # Obtain the optimum path through the A* algorithm self.defineStructre()
[docs] def getIndexes(self, coord): '''Method for obtaining the array indexes of the BIM structure for a coordinate given in the real scale of the slope stability problem. The transformation is performed by rounding the division between the coordinate and the tile size with the ``int_`` function of `numpy`. That means that always rounds to the left and bottom sides of a tile. Attributes: coord (`tuple`): Coordinates of some point in the slope mass or surface, which is wanted to get them indexes into the BIM grid-grapth structure. Returns: (`tuple`): Indexes of a coordinate from the real-scale problem\ projected to the array that represents the BIM structure of\ the slope; the first value of the tuple is the row and the\ second one is the column of the grid-array respectively. Examples: >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import TortuousSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=12, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=10, toeDist=10) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.25, >>> tileSize=0.25, seed=123) >>> surface = TortuousSurface(bim, dist1=0, dist2=17) >>> surface.getIndexes(surface.point1) (66, 00) >>> surface.getIndexes(surface.point2) (24, 68) ''' import numpy as np xIdx, yIdx = np.int_(np.array(coord) / self.bim.tileSize) return yIdx, xIdx
[docs] def getCoord(self, indexes): '''Method for obtaining the real scale problem coordinates of of some cell in the BIM grid-graph structure of the slope. The transformation is performed by getting the center of the tile which contains the coordinates of the point. Attributes: indexes (`tuple`): Indexes of some cell in the BIM grid-graph structure of the slope; the first tuple-value is the ordinate and the second one is the abscisse. Returns: (`tuple`): Indexes of a coordinate from the real-scale problem\ projected to the array that represents the BIM structure of\ the slope; the first tuple value is the abscisse and the\ second one is the ordinate. Examples: >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import TortuousSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=12, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=10, toeDist=10) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.25, >>> tileSize=0.25, seed=123) >>> surface = TortuousSurface(bim, dist1=0, dist2=17) >>> surface.getCoord((66, 0)) (0.125, 16.446428571428573) >>> surface.getCoord((24, 68)) (17.125, 5.946428571428573) ''' x = self.bim.xCells[indexes] + 0.5*self.bim.tileSize y = self.bim.yCells[indexes] + 0.5*self.bim.tileSize return x, y
[docs] def getIndexesAtEnds(self): '''Method for obtaining the array indexes of the BIM grid-grapth structure for the ends of the slip surface. Examples: >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import TortuousSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=12, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=10, toeDist=10) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.25, >>> tileSize=0.25, seed=123) >>> surface = TortuousSurface(bim, dist1=0, dist2=17) >>> surface.getIndexesAtEnds() ((66, 0), (23, 68)) ''' import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import LineString # Getting the coordinates of the ends if self.bim.slopeCoords[0, 1] > self.bim.slopeCoords[0, -2]: self.bim.slopeCoords = np.fliplr(self.bim.slopeCoords) terrainSurfLS = LineString(self.bim.slopeCoords[:, 1:-2].T) setattr(self, 'terrainSurfLS', terrainSurfLS) yMin = self.bim.slopeCoords[1].min() / 2 yMax = self.bim.slopeCoords[1].max() * 2 tileSize = self.bim.tileSize for name, dist in [('point1', self.dist1), ('end1', self.dist1 - (self.dist1 % tileSize)), ('point2', self.dist2), ('end2', self.dist2 - (self.dist2 % tileSize) + tileSize)]: vertLine = LineString([(dist, yMin), (dist, yMax)]) intersection = terrainSurfLS.intersection(vertLine) setattr(self, name, np.array([intersection.x, intersection.y])) # Indexes of the start and goal nodes startIdx = self.getIndexes(self.point1) try: # Controling when index is out the grid dimension self.bim.grid[startIdx] except Exception: startIdx = (startIdx[0]-1, startIdx[1]) goalIdx = self.getIndexes(self.point2) # Moving the indexes of the ends when are out the slope while self.bim.grid[startIdx] == -1 or self.bim.grid[goalIdx] == -1: # Start index if self.bim.grid[startIdx] == -1: startIdx = (startIdx[0]-1, startIdx[1]) if self.bim.grid[goalIdx] == -1: goalIdx = (goalIdx[0]-1, goalIdx[1]) setattr(self, 'startIdx', startIdx) setattr(self, 'goalIdx', goalIdx) return startIdx, goalIdx
[docs] def defineStructre(self): '''Method to define the structure of the tortuous path which represents the slip surface of a landslide that occurs in a slope made of BIM. The surface is generated through the :math:`\\mathrm{A}^\\ast` algorithm defined in the ``Astar`` module. Examples: >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import TortuousSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=12, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=10, toeDist=10) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.25, >>> tileSize=0.25, seed=123) >>> surface = TortuousSurface(bim, dist1=0, dist2=17) >>> surface.defineStructre() array([[ 0. , 0.125 , 0.375 , 0.625 , ... ], [16.57142857, 16.44642857, 16.19642857, 15.94642857, ... ]]) ''' import numpy as np from pybimstab.astar import Astar, PreferredPath from pybimstab.smoothcurve import SmoothCurve # Obtaining the optimum path of the slip surface through A* algorithm if self.preferredPath is not None: preferredPathIdx = np.array( [self.getIndexes(cr) for cr in self.preferredPath.T]).T prefPathAstar = PreferredPath(preferredPathIdx, self.prefPathFact) else: prefPathAstar = None astar = Astar( grid=self.bim.grid, startNode=self.startIdx, goalNode=self.goalIdx, heuristic=self.heuristic, reverseLeft=self.reverseLeft, reverseUp=self.reverseUp, preferredPath=prefPathAstar) # Transform the optimum path indexes to real-scale coordinates coords = [self.getCoord(tuple(idx)) for idx in astar.optimumPath.T] # Appendinding the ends to the path coords.append(self.end1) coords.insert(0, self.end2) # Sorting the path such that the begining is in the left side coords = np.fliplr(np.array(coords).T) if self.smoothFactor > 0: smoothedCoords = SmoothCurve(x=coords[0], y=coords[1], k=self.smoothFactor, n=500) coords = smoothedCoords.smoothing setattr(self, 'coords', coords) return coords
[docs] def plot(self): '''Method for generating a graphic of the tortuous slip surface and the slope. Returns: (`matplotlib.figure.Figure`): object with the matplotlib structure\ of the plot. You might use it to save the figure for example. Examples: >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import TortuousSurface >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=12, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=10, toeDist=10) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.25, >>> tileSize=0.25, seed=123) >>> # Not allowing to turn left and up >>> surface = TortuousSurface( >>> bim, dist1=0, dist2=17, heuristic='manhattan', >>> reverseLeft=False, reverseUp=False, smoothFactor=0, >>> preferredPath=None, prefPathFact=None) >>> fig = surface.plot() .. figure:: :alt: slipsurface_TortuousSurface_example1 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. >>> # Allowing to turn left and up (manhattan heusitic function) >>> surface = TortuousSurface( >>> bim, dist1=0, dist2=17, heuristic='manhattan', >>> reverseLeft=True, reverseUp=True, smoothFactor=0, >>> preferredPath=None, prefPathFact=None) >>> fig = surface.plot() .. figure:: :alt: slipsurface_TortuousSurface_example2 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import NaturalSlope >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface, TortuousSurface >>> terrainCoords = array( >>> [[-2.49, 0.1, 1.7, 3.89, 5.9, 8.12, 9.87, 13.29, 20.29, >>> 21.43, 22.28, 23.48, 24.65, 25.17], >>> [18.16, 17.88, 17.28, 15.73, 14.31, 13.58, 13, 3.61, 3.61, >>> 3.32, 2.71, 2.23, 1.21, 0.25]]) >>> slope = NaturalSlope(terrainCoords) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.3, >>> tileSize=0.35, seed=123) >>> preferredPath = CircularSurface( >>> slopeCoords=slope.coords, dist1=5, dist2=15.78, radius=20) >>> # With a preferred path and smoothing the surface >>> surface = TortuousSurface( >>> bim, dist1=4, dist2=15.78, heuristic='euclidean', >>> reverseLeft=False, reverseUp=False, smoothFactor=2, >>> preferredPath=preferredPath.coords, prefPathFact=2) >>> fig = surface.plot() .. figure:: :alt: slipsurface_TortuousSurface_example3 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. >>> # Without a preferred path and smoothing the surface >>> surface = TortuousSurface( >>> bim, dist1=5, dist2=15.78, heuristic='euclidean', >>> reverseLeft=False, reverseUp=False, smoothFactor=2, >>> preferredPath=None) >>> fig = surface.plot() .. figure:: :alt: slipsurface_TortuousSurface_example4 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. ''' import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap as newcmap # Variables to control the color map and its legend if np.any(self.bim.grid == -1): cmap = newcmap.from_list('BIMcmap', ['white', 'lightgray', 'black'], 3) ticks = [-1+0.333, 0, 1-0.333] ticksLabels = ['None', 'Matrix', 'Blocks'] else: cmap = newcmap.from_list('BIMcmap', ['lightgray', 'black'], 2) ticks = [0.25, 0.75] ticksLabels = ['Matrix', 'Blocks'] # Plot body fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) bar = ax.pcolormesh(self.bim.xCells, self.bim.yCells, self.bim.grid, cmap=cmap) if self.preferredPath is not None: ax.plot(self.preferredPath[0], self.preferredPath[1], ':r', lw=2.0, label='Preferred\npath') ax.plot(self.coords[0], self.coords[1], '-r', lw=2.5, label='Tortuous\nsurface') ax.plot(self.bim.slopeCoords[0], self.bim.slopeCoords[1], '-k') # Configuring the colorbar bar = plt.colorbar(bar, ax=ax, ticks=ticks, pad=0.03, shrink=0.15, aspect=3), fontsize='small') # Plot settings ax.set_aspect(1) ax.legend(fontsize='small', bbox_to_anchor=(1.005, 1), loc='best') ax.grid(True, ls='--', lw=0.5) ax.set_xlim((-0.02*self.bim.slopeCoords[0].max(), 1.02*self.bim.slopeCoords[0].max())) ax.set_ylim((-0.02*self.bim.slopeCoords[1].max(), 1.02*self.bim.slopeCoords[1].max())) fig.tight_layout() return fig
# %% ''' BSD 2 license. Copyright (c) 2018, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Exneyder Andres Montoya Araque and Ludger O. Suarez-Burgoa. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. '''