Source code for slices

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for defining the class related to the slices and their structure.

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[docs]class MaterialParameters: '''Creates an instance of an object that defines the structure of the material where the stabilibity analysis is performed. :: MaterialParameters(cohesion, frictAngle, unitWeight, blocksUnitWeight=None, wtUnitWeight=None) Contains the strength parameters (Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion) and the different unit weigths. Attributes: cohesion (`int` or `float`): Intercept of the Mohr-Coulomb envelope. frictAngle (`int` or `float`): Angle of the Mohr-Coulomb envelope. unitWeight (`int` or `float`): Unit weight of the soil or the matrix in the case of a Blocks-in-Matrix material. blocksUnitWeight (`int` or `float`): Unit weight of the blocks in the case of a Blocks-in-Matrix material. ``None`` is the default value that means there are no blocks. wtUnitWeight (`int` or `float`): Unit weight of the water. ``None`` is the default value that means there are no water table, or it is located under the base of a specific slice. Examples: >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters >>> material = MaterialParameters( >>> cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, unitWeight=17, blocksUnitWeight=21, >>> wtUnitWeight=9.8) >>> material.__dict__ {'blocksUnitWeight': 21, 'cohesion': 15, 'frictAngle': 23, 'mtxUnitWeight': 17, 'wtUnitWeight': 9.8} ''' def __init__(self, cohesion, frictAngle, unitWeight, blocksUnitWeight=None, wtUnitWeight=None): ''' MaterialParameters(cohesion, frictAngle, unitWeight, blocksUnitWeight=None, wtUnitWeight=None) ''' self.cohesion = cohesion self.frictAngle = frictAngle self.unitWeight = unitWeight self.blocksUnitWeight = blocksUnitWeight self.wtUnitWeight = wtUnitWeight if blocksUnitWeight is None: self.blocksUnitWeight = 0 if wtUnitWeight is None: self.wtUnitWeight = 0
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[docs]class SliceStr: '''Creates an instance of an object that defines the structure of a slice of the soil mass above the slip surface. :: SliceStr(material, terrainLS, slipSurfLS, watertabLS=None, bim=None) The structure contains the required data for performing the slope stability assessment by the limit equilibrium method. Attributes: material (`MaterialParameters` object): object with the parameters of the material that composes the slice. terrainLS (`shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString`): Top of the slice that coincides with the terrain surface. slipSurfLS (`shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString`): Bottom of the slice that coincides with the slip surface. watertabLS (`shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString`): Polyline that coincides with the water table. It could be located below or crossing the base of the slice, between the bottom and the top or absent. ``None`` is the default value. bim (`BimStructure` object): object with the structure of the slope made of the Blocks-in-Matrix material. ``None`` is the default value and means that there is not a BIM structure Note: The class ``SliceStr`` requires `copy <>`_, `numpy <>`_, `matplotlib <>`_ and `shapely <>`_. Examples: >>> from shapely.geometry import LineString >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, SliceStr >>> material = MaterialParameters(cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, >>> unitWeight=17) >>> terrainLS = LineString([(6, 8), (7, 6.5)]) >>> slipSurfLS = LineString([(6, 3.395), (7, 2.837)]) >>> watertabLS = LineString([(6, 5), (7, 4)]) >>> slice_ = SliceStr(material, terrainLS, slipSurfLS, watertabLS, >>> bim=None) >>> slice_.__dict__.keys() dict_keys(['material', 'terrainLS', 'slipSurfLS', 'watertabLS', 'bim', 'terrainCoords', 'slipSurfCoords', 'watertabCoords', 'sliceLS', 'coords', 'xMin', 'xMax', 'yMin', 'yMax', 'area', 'width', 'baseSlope', 'alpha', 'baseLength', 'l', 'topLength', 'topSlope', 'topInclinatDeg', 'midHeight', 'midWatTabHeight']) ''' def __init__(self, material, terrainLS, slipSurfLS, watertabLS=None, bim=None): ''' SliceStr(material, terrainLS, slipSurfLS, watertabLS=None, bim=None) ''' self.material = material self.terrainLS = terrainLS self.slipSurfLS = slipSurfLS self.watertabLS = watertabLS self.bim = bim # Defining the slice boundary and others attributes of the structure self.defineStructure() # Extracting the BIM structure if bim is not None: self.extractBim()
[docs] def defineStructure(self): '''Method for defining the geometric structure of the slice including the variables required to perform the slope stability assessment by the limit equilibrium method. Returns: ((2, n) `numpy.ndarray`): Coordinates of the slice boundary. First\ row contains the abscises and the second one contains the\ ordinates. Examples: >>> from shapely.geometry import LineString >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, SliceStr >>> material = MaterialParameters(cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, >>> unitWeight=17) >>> terrainLS = LineString([(6, 8), (7, 6.5)]) >>> slipSurfLS = LineString([(6, 3.395), (7, 2.837)]) >>> watertabLS = LineString([(6, 5), (7, 4)]) >>> slice_ = SliceStr(material, terrainLS, slipSurfLS, watertabLS, >>> bim=None) >>> slice_.defineStructure() array([[6. , 7. , 7. , 6. , 6. ], [8. , 6.5 , 2.837, 3.395, 8. ]]) ''' import numpy as np from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyfit from shapely.geometry import Polygon # Coordinates setattr(self, 'terrainCoords', np.array(self.terrainLS.coords).T) setattr(self, 'slipSurfCoords', np.array(self.slipSurfLS.coords).T) if self.watertabLS is not None: setattr(self, 'watertabCoords', np.array(self.watertabLS.coords).T) else: setattr(self, 'watertabCoords', None) sliceLS = Polygon( np.hstack((self.terrainCoords, np.fliplr(self.slipSurfCoords))).T) setattr(self, 'sliceLS', sliceLS) setattr(self, 'coords', np.array(sliceLS.exterior.coords).T) setattr(self, 'xMin', sliceLS.bounds[0]) setattr(self, 'xMax', sliceLS.bounds[2]) setattr(self, 'yMin', sliceLS.bounds[1]) setattr(self, 'yMax', sliceLS.bounds[3]) # Area setattr(self, 'area', sliceLS.area) # Width setattr(self, 'width', self.xMax - self.xMin) # Mean inclination of the base # (alpha is the base inclination angle with the opposite sign) intercept, slope = polyfit( self.slipSurfCoords[0], self.slipSurfCoords[1], deg=1) setattr(self, 'baseSlope', slope) setattr(self, 'alpha', -1 * np.degrees(np.arctan(slope))) # Lengths (l is the base length approximate) setattr(self, 'baseLength', self.slipSurfLS.length) # bottom setattr(self, 'l', self.width / np.cos(np.radians(self.alpha))) # l setattr(self, 'topLength', self.terrainLS.length) # top # Mean inclination of the top intercept, slope = polyfit( self.terrainCoords[0], self.terrainCoords[1], deg=1) setattr(self, 'topSlope', slope) setattr(self, 'topInclinatDeg', np.degrees(np.arctan(slope))) # Heights leftHeight = self.terrainCoords[1, 0] - self.slipSurfCoords[1, 0] rightHeight = self.terrainCoords[1, -1] - self.slipSurfCoords[1, -1] midHeight = 0.5 * (leftHeight + rightHeight) setattr(self, 'midHeight', midHeight) if self.watertabLS is not None: leftWatTabHeight = self.watertabCoords[1, 0] - \ self.slipSurfCoords[1, 0] rightWatTabHeight = self.watertabCoords[1, -1] - \ self.slipSurfCoords[1, -1] midWatTabHeight = 0.5 * (leftWatTabHeight + rightWatTabHeight) if midWatTabHeight < 0: midWatTabHeight = 0 setattr(self, 'midWatTabHeight', midWatTabHeight) else: setattr(self, 'midWatTabHeight', 0) return self.coords
[docs] def extractBim(self): '''Returns an object from the class ``bim.BlocksInMatrix`` where is stored the structure of the local Blocks-In-Matrix material inside the slice. Examples: >>> from shapely.geometry import LineString >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, SliceStr >>> material = MaterialParameters(cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, >>> unitWeight=17) >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5, depth=2) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.2, >>> tileSize=0.5, seed=123) >>> terrainLS = LineString([(6, 8), (7, 6.5)]) >>> slipSurfLS = LineString([(6, 3.395), (7, 2.837)]) >>> watertabLS = LineString([(6, 5), (7, 4)]) >>> slice_ = SliceStr(material, terrainLS, slipSurfLS, watertabLS, >>> bim=bim) >>> localBIM = slice_.extractBim() >>> localBIM.__dict__.keys() dict_keys(['slopeCoords', 'blockProp', 'tileSize', 'seed', 'grid', 'xCells', 'yCells']) ''' from copy import deepcopy import numpy as np localBIM = deepcopy(self.bim) # copy of the original object of the BIM # Getting the extreme indexes for extracting the arrays xMinIdx, yMinIdx, xMaxIdx, yMaxIdx = np.int_( np.array(self.sliceLS.bounds) / localBIM.tileSize) # Extracting the BIM structure localBIM.grid = localBIM.grid[yMinIdx:yMaxIdx, xMinIdx:xMaxIdx] localBIM.xCells = localBIM.xCells[yMinIdx:yMaxIdx+1, xMinIdx:xMaxIdx+1] localBIM.yCells = localBIM.yCells[yMinIdx:yMaxIdx+1, xMinIdx:xMaxIdx+1] setattr(self, 'localBIM', localBIM) # Counting the number of blocks numBlocks = np.sum(self.localBIM.grid == 1) setattr(self, 'numBlocks', numBlocks) return localBIM
[docs] def plot(self): '''Method for plotting the slice. Examples: >>> from shapely.geometry import LineString >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, SliceStr >>> material = MaterialParameters(cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, >>> unitWeight=17) >>> terrainLS = LineString([(6, 8), (7, 6.5)]) >>> slipSurfLS = LineString([(6, 3.395), (7, 2.837)]) >>> watertabLS = LineString([(6, 5), (7, 4)]) >>> slice_ = SliceStr(material, terrainLS, slipSurfLS, watertabLS, >>> bim=None) >>> fig = slice_.plot() .. figure:: :alt: slices_SliceStr_example1 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. >>> from shapely.geometry import LineString >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, SliceStr >>> material = MaterialParameters(cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, >>> unitWeight=17) >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5, depth=2) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.2, >>> tileSize=0.5, seed=123) >>> terrainLS = LineString([(6, 8), (7, 6.5)]) >>> slipSurfLS = LineString([(6, 3.395), (7, 2.837)]) >>> watertabLS = LineString([(6, 5), (7, 4)]) >>> slice_ = SliceStr(material, terrainLS, slipSurfLS, watertabLS, >>> bim=bim) >>> fig = slice_.plot() .. figure:: :alt: slices_SliceStr_example2 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. ''' import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap as newcmap # Variables to control the color map and its legend if self.bim is not None: if np.any(self.localBIM.grid == -1): cmap = newcmap.from_list('BIMcmap', ['white', 'lightgray', 'black'], 3) ticks = [-1+0.333, 0, 1-0.333] ticksLabels = ['None', 'Matrix', 'Blocks'] else: cmap = newcmap.from_list('BIMcmap', ['lightgray', 'black'], 2) ticks = [0.25, 0.75] ticksLabels = ['Matrix', 'Blocks'] # Plot body fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if self.bim is not None: bar = ax.pcolormesh(self.localBIM.xCells, self.localBIM.yCells, self.localBIM.grid, cmap=cmap) # Configuring the colorbar bar = plt.colorbar(bar, ax=ax, ticks=ticks, pad=0.025, shrink=0.15, aspect=3), fontsize='small') if self.watertabCoords is not None: ax.plot(self.watertabCoords[0], self.watertabCoords[1], 'deepskyblue', label='watertable') ax.plot(self.coords[0], self.coords[1], '-r', label='slice') # Plot settings ax.set_aspect(1) ax.legend(fontsize='small', bbox_to_anchor=(1.005, 1), loc=2) ax.grid(True, ls='--', lw=0.5) ax.set_xlim((self.coords[0].min() - 0.02*self.coords[0].max(), 1.02*self.coords[0].max())) ax.set_ylim((self.coords[1].min() - 0.02*self.coords[1].max(), 1.02*self.coords[1].max())) fig.tight_layout() return fig
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[docs]class Slices: '''Creates an instance of an object that defines the structure of the slices that the soil mass above the slip surface is divided. :: Slices(material, slipSurfCoords, slopeCoords, numSlices=20, watertabCoords=None, bim=None) Attributes: slipSurfCoords ((2, n) `numpy.ndarray`): Absolute coordinates of the vertices of the polyline which defines the slip surface. First row contains the abcsises and the second row contains the ordinates. slopeCoords ((n, 2) `numpy.ndarray`): Absolute coordinates of the vertices of the polyline which defines the slip surface. First column contains the abcsises and the second one contains the ordinates. material (`MaterialParameters` object): object with the parameters of the material that composes the slope. numSlices (`int`): Number of slices in which the soil above the slip surface is going to be divided. 20 is the default value. watertabCoords ((2, n) `numpy.ndarray`): Absolute coordinates of the vertices of the polyline which defines the water table. First row contains the abcsises and the second row contains the ordinates. It is like an optional argument and if there is not a water table, set it as ``None``, which is the default value. bim (`BimStructure` object): object with the structure of the slope made of the BIM-material. It is like an optional argument and if there is not a BIM structure, set it as ``None``, which is the default value. Note: The class ``Slices`` requires `numpy <>`_, `scipy <>`_, `matplotlib <>`_ and `shapely <>`_. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=9) >>> material = MaterialParameters( >>> cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, unitWeight=17, >>> blocksUnitWeight=21, wtUnitWeight=9.8) >>> slices = Slices( >>> material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords, >>> slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=10, >>> watertabCoords=None, bim=None) >>> slices.__dict__.keys() dict_keys(['material', 'numSlices', 'slipSurfCoords', 'slopeCoords', 'watertabCoords', 'bim', 'rotationPt', 'slices']) ''' def __init__(self, material, slipSurfCoords, slopeCoords, numSlices=20, watertabCoords=None, bim=None): ''' Slices(material, slipSurfCoords, slopeCoords, numSlices=20, watertabCoords=None, bim=None) ''' self.material = material self.numSlices = numSlices self.slipSurfCoords = slipSurfCoords self.slopeCoords = slopeCoords self.watertabCoords = watertabCoords self.bim = bim # Defining the structure of the water table self.fitCircle() self.createSlices() self.setExtLoads()
[docs] def fitCircle(self): '''Method for adjusting a circumference to a cloud of points. Returns: (`dict`): Dictionary with the radius and coordinates of center. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=9) >>> material = MaterialParameters( >>> cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, unitWeight=17, >>> blocksUnitWeight=21, wtUnitWeight=9.8) >>> slices = Slices( >>> material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords, >>> slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=10, >>> watertabCoords=None, bim=None) >>> slices.fitCircle() {'center': array([10.88132286, 10.83174439]), 'radius': 9.000000000000002, 'dist1': 2.009892716098348, 'dist2': 11.761811095385543} ''' import numpy as np from scipy import optimize from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point x, y = self.slipSurfCoords def radius(xc, yc): '''Gets the distance of each points from the center (xc, yc)''' return np.sqrt((x-xc)**2 + (y-yc)**2) def f_2(c): '''Calculates the algebraic distance between the data points and the mean circle centered at c=(xc, yc)''' Ri = radius(*c) return Ri - Ri.mean() estimatedCenter = 3 * np.mean(self.slipSurfCoords, 1) center, __ = optimize.leastsq(f_2, estimatedCenter) setattr(self, 'rotationPt', center) allRadius = radius(*center) meanRadius = allRadius.mean() # radius of fitted circle # Create the circle: centerPt = Point(*center) circleLs = centerPt.buffer(meanRadius).boundary # Creating the terrain surface and the intersection with circleLs terrainSurfLS = LineString(self.slopeCoords[:, 1:-2].T) intersections = circleLs.intersection(terrainSurfLS) if intersections.geom_type == 'MultiPoint': dist1, dist2 = intersections[0].x, intersections[-1].x else: dist1, dist2 = x.min(), x.max() fittedCirc = {'center': center, 'radius': meanRadius, 'dist1': dist1, 'dist2': dist2} setattr(self, 'fittedCirc', fittedCirc) return fittedCirc
[docs] def createSlices(self): '''Method for defining the structure of all the slices in which the soil mass above the slip surface is divided. Returns: (`list`): List of object instanced from the class ``SliceStr``\ that defines the structure of an individual slice. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=9) >>> material = MaterialParameters( >>> cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, unitWeight=17, >>> blocksUnitWeight=21, wtUnitWeight=9.8) >>> slices = Slices( >>> material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords, >>> slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=10, >>> watertabCoords=None, bim=None) >>> slicesList = slices.createSlices() >>> slicesList[0].__dict__.keys() dict_keys(['material', 'terrainLS', 'slipSurfLS', 'watertabLS', 'bim', 'terrainCoords', 'slipSurfCoords', 'watertabCoords', 'sliceLS', 'coords', 'xMin', 'xMax', 'yMin', 'yMax', 'area', 'width', 'baseSlope', 'alpha', 'baseLength', 'l', 'topLength', 'topSlope', 'topInclinatDeg', 'midHeight', 'midWatTabHeight']) ''' import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import LineString from import getPointAtX, extractSegment # Defining horizontal coordinates of the boundaries between slices maxHztSlipDist = self.slipSurfCoords[0, -1] minHztSlipDist = self.slipSurfCoords[0, 0] xCoords = np.linspace(minHztSlipDist, maxHztSlipDist, self.numSlices+1) if self.bim is not None: sliceWidth = (maxHztSlipDist - minHztSlipDist) / self.numSlices k = np.ceil(sliceWidth / self.bim.tileSize) xCoords = np.arange(minHztSlipDist, maxHztSlipDist + k * self.bim.tileSize, k * self.bim.tileSize) xCoords = list(xCoords) while xCoords[-1] > maxHztSlipDist: xCoords.pop() xCoords.append(maxHztSlipDist) xCoords = np.unique(xCoords) setattr(self, 'numSlices', len(xCoords) - 1) # Transform the surfaces to LineString terrainLS = LineString(self.slopeCoords[:, 1:-2].T) slipSurfLS = LineString(self.slipSurfCoords.T) if self.watertabCoords is not None: waterTabLS = LineString(self.watertabCoords.T) # Getting the segments and defining the slices' structure slices = list() for n in range(self.numSlices): # Extracting the segment from the terrain surface pt1 = getPointAtX(terrainLS, xCoords[n]) pt2 = getPointAtX(terrainLS, xCoords[n+1]) terrainSegLS = extractSegment( terrainLS, terrainLS.project(pt1), terrainLS.project(pt2)) # Extracting the segment from the slip surface pt1 = getPointAtX(slipSurfLS, xCoords[n]) pt2 = getPointAtX(slipSurfLS, xCoords[n+1]) slipSurfSegLS = extractSegment( slipSurfLS, slipSurfLS.project(pt1), slipSurfLS.project(pt2)) # Getting the ns from the water table if self.watertabCoords is not None: pt1 = getPointAtX(waterTabLS, xCoords[n]) pt2 = getPointAtX(waterTabLS, xCoords[n+1]) waterTabSegLS = extractSegment(waterTabLS, waterTabLS.project(pt1), waterTabLS.project(pt2)) else: waterTabSegLS = None # Define the structure of the individual slice and append to list slices.append( SliceStr(material=self.material, terrainLS=terrainSegLS, slipSurfLS=slipSurfSegLS, watertabLS=waterTabSegLS, bim=self.bim)) setattr(self, 'slices', slices) return slices
[docs] def setExtLoads(self, extL=[{'load': 0, 'angle': 0}]): '''Method for setting the external loads to the slices. Args: extL (`list`): list that stores the information of the external loads in dictionaries. Each dictionary has the value of the external force (at the slope surface) and its inclination in degrees as the following structure ``{'load': 0, 'angle': 0}``. There are three possibilities to define the structure: - Unitary list means that the input is constant for all \ the slices. ``{'load': 0, 'angle': 0}`` is the default\ value. - If the length of the list is as long as the number of\ slices, each slice is coupled with the input list. - If the length of the list is :math:`l>1` and lower than\ the number of slices, then only the :math:`l` fisrt\ slices are coupled with the external loads. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=9) >>> material = MaterialParameters( >>> cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, unitWeight=17, >>> blocksUnitWeight=21, wtUnitWeight=9.8) >>> slices = Slices( >>> material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords, >>> slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=10, >>> watertabCoords=None, bim=None) >>> slices.setExtLoads(extL=[{'load': 200, 'angle': 30}]) >>> slices.slices[0].extL, slices.slices[0].w (200, 30) ''' # Setting the external loads to each slice as a new attribute for i in range(self.numSlices): slice_ = self.slices[i] if len(extL) or i > len(extL): slice_.extL = extL[0]['load'] slice_.w = extL[0]['angle'] else: slice_.extL = extL[i]['load'] slice_.w = extL[i]['angle'] return
[docs] def plot(self, plotFittedCirc=False): '''Method for generating a graphic of the slope stability model when is possible to watch the slices in the soil mass above the slip surface. Returns: (`matplotlib.figure.Figure`): object with the matplotlib structure\ of the plot. You might use it to save the figure for example. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import AnthropicSlope >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices >>> slope = AnthropicSlope(slopeHeight=7.5, slopeDip=[1, 1.5], >>> crownDist=5, toeDist=5) >>> surface = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> dist1=2, dist2=10, radius=9) >>> material = MaterialParameters( >>> cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, unitWeight=17, >>> blocksUnitWeight=21, wtUnitWeight=9.8) >>> slices = Slices( >>> material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords, >>> slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=10, >>> watertabCoords=None, bim=None) >>> fig = slices.plot() .. figure:: :alt: slices_Slices_example1 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. >>> from numpy import array >>> from pybimstab.slope import NaturalSlope >>> from pybimstab.watertable import WaterTable >>> from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface >>> from pybimstab.slipsurface import TortuousSurface >>> from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices >>> terrainCoords = array( >>> [[-2.49, 0.1, 1.7, 3.89, 5.9, 8.12, 9.87, 13.29, 20.29, >>> 21.43, 22.28, 23.48, 24.65, 25.17], >>> [18.16, 17.88, 17.28, 15.73, 14.31, 13.58, 13, 3.61, 3.61, >>> 3.32, 2.71, 2.23, 1.21, 0.25]]) >>> slope = NaturalSlope(terrainCoords) >>> bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.3, >>> tileSize=0.35, seed=123) >>> watertabDepths = array([[0, 5, 10, 15], >>> [8, 7, 3, 0]]) >>> watertable = WaterTable(slopeCoords=slope.coords, >>> watertabDepths=watertabDepths, >>> smoothFactor=3) >>> preferredPath = CircularSurface( >>> slopeCoords=slope.coords, dist1=5, dist2=15.78, radius=20) >>> surface = TortuousSurface( >>> bim, dist1=4, dist2=15.78, heuristic='euclidean', >>> reverseLeft=False, reverseUp=False, smoothFactor=2, >>> preferredPath=preferredPath.coords, prefPathFact=2) >>> material = MaterialParameters( >>> cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, unitWeight=17, >>> blocksUnitWeight=21, wtUnitWeight=9.8) >>> slices = Slices( >>> material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords, >>> slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=10, >>> watertabCoords=watertable.coords, bim=bim) >>> fig = slices.plot() .. figure:: :alt: slices_Slices_example2 .. only:: html :download:`example script<../examples/figuresScripts/>`. ''' import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap as newcmap from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface # Variables to control the color map and its legend if self.bim is not None: if np.any(self.bim.grid == -1): cmap = newcmap.from_list('BIMcmap', ['white', 'lightgray', 'black'], 3) ticks = [-1+0.333, 0, 1-0.333] ticksLabels = ['None', 'Matrix', 'Blocks'] else: cmap = newcmap.from_list('BIMcmap', ['lightgray', 'black'], 2) ticks = [0.25, 0.75] ticksLabels = ['Matrix', 'Blocks'] # Plot body fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if self.bim is not None: bar = ax.pcolormesh(self.bim.xCells, self.bim.yCells, self.bim.grid, cmap=cmap) # Configuring the colorbar bar = plt.colorbar(bar, ax=ax, ticks=ticks, pad=0.05, shrink=0.15, aspect=3), fontsize='small') if plotFittedCirc: circSurf = CircularSurface(slopeCoords=self.slopeCoords, dist1=self.fittedCirc['dist1'], dist2=self.fittedCirc['dist2'], radius=self.fittedCirc['radius']) ax.plot(*circSurf.coords, ':r', label='Fitted cir. surf.') for slice_ in self.slices: ax.plot(slice_.coords[0], slice_.coords[1], ':r', lw=0.5) ax.plot(self.slipSurfCoords[0], self.slipSurfCoords[1], '-r', label='slip surface') ax.plot(self.slopeCoords[0], self.slopeCoords[1], '-k') if self.watertabCoords is not None: ax.plot(self.watertabCoords[0], self.watertabCoords[1], 'deepskyblue', lw=0.9, label='watertable') # Plot settings ax.set_aspect(1) ax.legend(fontsize='small', bbox_to_anchor=(1.005, 1), loc=2) ax.grid(True, ls='--', lw=0.5) ax.set_xlim((self.slopeCoords[0].min()-0.02*self.slopeCoords[0].max(), 1.02*self.slopeCoords[0].max())) ax.set_ylim((self.slopeCoords[1].min()-0.02*self.slopeCoords[1].max(), 1.02*self.slopeCoords[1].max())) fig.tight_layout() return fig
# %% ''' BSD 2 license. Copyright (c) 2018, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Exneyder Andres Montoya Araque and Ludger O. Suarez-Burgoa. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. '''